I do not profess to be a medical professional of any kind. I do not offer medical advice. I don't feel I know very much at all for that matter. What this blog is, is my own experiences through my weight loss journey. All the ups, downs and in betweens. I will share what works for me and what doesn't. I appreciate your love and support, because, afterall, support through this life changing experience is so important and essential. You are more than welcome to ask questions...but please remember, again, I am not a health care professional and I will answer you only based on my own personal opinion and experiences.
Dr. Simoens Protocol

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I am back again...

Waving at everyone...School is over until mid August...now I can concentrate on me.

Good news is I have been off HCg since the second week of May and have maintained my weight. I still have another month to go, but it has become easy to know exactly what I can eat and what I can't.

I devised a plan, figured out the calorie count and know what will cause me to gain.
I do go out to dinner, I do enjoy the foods I allow myself to have, but I DON'T go overboard with my eating. I do eat 3 times a day and a couple of healthy snacks also. I don't skip meals....very important....that is how you put on weight...being very hungry and over eating.

I have learned to listen to my body..that little knawing isn't hunger so I feed it Ice tea, water or coffee (both iced and hot), I have learned to have food cooked MY WAY and substitue what I want. If not I get up and leave.. My husband eats like I do because it is healthy and he is beginning to see and feel the difference.

The best advice I can give anyone about dieting is:

Be realistic with your goals
Make a plan and stick to that plan
Don't beat yourself up if you slip up...move on

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