I do not profess to be a medical professional of any kind. I do not offer medical advice. I don't feel I know very much at all for that matter. What this blog is, is my own experiences through my weight loss journey. All the ups, downs and in betweens. I will share what works for me and what doesn't. I appreciate your love and support, because, afterall, support through this life changing experience is so important and essential. You are more than welcome to ask questions...but please remember, again, I am not a health care professional and I will answer you only based on my own personal opinion and experiences.
Dr. Simoens Protocol

Friday, April 2, 2010


In the last few months I have had a number of different people ask why they are having headaches when they start this diet.

I did some asking and have come up with this answer: Detox.

When you go from eating thousands of calories a day, most of which are startches and sugars, then cut your intake down to 500 calories a day of protien, veggies (non startchie)and fruit, you are bound to feel some reactions. When you Detoxify your body your body will let you know about it this is usually short lived, but if they persist then there may be underlying causes and a visit to the doctor should uncover the reasons.

I also strongly advise that before you start any diet, that you consult your doctor.

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